Drug Dealer Simulator Weed Growing Empire Guide

Publish date: 2024-07-06

A detailed guide to exploit the weed growing system in DDS to become rich in just a few hours…


Step-by-Step Guide to Weed Growing Empire


So, youve got to the point that you really want money in DDS, so after 3 years of experience in the game i can assure you that there is ´´not´´ a single better way than weed farming to create an abosulute fortune in DDS, so you can do this before, during or even after ENDGAME so you just need to do this whenever you want an can.

So when it comes to weed growing we all know that you can go 2 ways, outfoors and indoors, but why choosing only one, when you can do both and even adding a third one.


For the weed growing exploit you will need:



This is my way of doing the exploit, you can do this with the quatity you want but i just wanted to maximise the efficiency as much as possible, and is MY way of doing it, if you dont have enough money you can just start in any hideout with just a few pots and you will have a lot of profit anyway.*

Costs from scratch

Bank: 19.470$

Cash: 8.140$


Probably the reason why you are here, just take a look at these numbers first:

If you do both, indoor and outdoor just like I do you will get:

Growth of Our Seeds

Seed – Dried Grams

So taking in consideration the buying price from the psychodelics gang that is: 4$ per gram, that throws some crazy stats and numbers, 500$ bucks for each Skyscrapper and 450$ for bong breaker, and i repeat, this is per plant, which if you follow my strategy and you complete 1 cicle (1 outdoor harvest and 2 indoor harvest because indoor grows twice as fast than outdoor) you will have a total of 35kg of dried product wich translates to 140.000$ and 132.500$ discounting the seeds…

So take a look at the numbers and see how much you can actually do.

The Setup

Old market Hideout:

Stink first floor hideout:

Outdoors (next to Stink first floor):

And thats prety much it.


I suggest using all daylight to water both hideouts plantations and outdoors, also remember pressing t while refilling the water bottles to make it quicker.

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